Gambling Regulatory Authority Mauritius Website

A complete review of online gaming in Mauritius. Includes 3 online casino, poker and gambling sites governed by the Mauritius Jurisdiction. Advanced search. Gambling Regulatory Authority Level 12 Newton Tower Sir William Newton Street Port-Louis, Port Louis Mauritius Website.

Before an online gambling site signs up its first customer, before it accepts its first bet, before the first card is dealt, it must be licensed by a recognized governmental entity.

Why, you ask? Because (most) banks won’t deal with an unlicensed sites, and neither will the various credit card companies like Visa and Mastercard.

Statistics Mauritius Website

Yes, that’s right. We followed the money, and as it turns out, it was a very short walk. You want to take bets? Prove you’re at least legitimate enough to have a license from some governmental agency.

So that’s it — just get some government to sell us a license in exchange for some money, and we’re good to go? Well, no. If it were as simple as that, we’d all have an online casino or betting site, and the world would be a very different place.

University Of Mauritius Website

While it is true that the early Gold Rush days of internet gambling were exciting, dangerous, lawless days indeed, today’s online gambling operators will find that even the mildest and most indulgent licensing governments are not simply rubber stamps for their license to print money.

Cwa Mauritius Website


Gambling Regulatory Authority

Below we explain exactly what the online gambling licensing authorities do. We then look at the regulatory requirements that each licensing authority puts in place.